Michael Brown, Rear Admiral, United States Navy (Retired) is the Founder and President of Spinnaker Security LLC, a cybersecurity consulting business focused on understanding, identifying, and mitigating business risks associated with cybersecurity. Additionally, Brown brings executive leadership, including crisis management, from both public and private sector experiences. Just prior to this position, he was President, RSA Federal LLC, and Vice President/General Manager Global Public Sector of RSA Security LLC. Responsibilities also included RSA Information Technology, Security, and Enterprise Risk Management portfolios. RSA was part of Dell Technologies and formerly of EMC.
Brown joined RSA after a career of more than 31 years in the United States Navy. During his career, he had significant leadership positions within the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security regarding cybersecurity. Brown’s last position on active duty was as the Director, Cybersecurity Coordination for DHS where he was responsible for increasing interdepartmental collaboration in strategic planning for the Nation’s cybersecurity, mutual support for cybersecurity capabilities development, and synchronization of current operational cybersecurity mission activities for the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security. He also served as DHS Deputy Assistant Secretary, Cybersecurity and Communications, Acting Assistant Secretary, Cybersecurity, and Communications, and as the Assistant Deputy Director Joint Interagency Task Force for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
Brown’s naval career included numerous staff, afloat and joint positions. He also had various leadership positions, including command of the Naval Information Warfare Activity.
A graduate of the United States Naval Academy with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, he also has a Master of Science in Systems Engineering (Electronic Warfare) from the Naval Postgraduate School, a Master of Arts in National and Strategic Studies from the Naval War College, and was a designated Acquisition Professional.